Intern Lobby Day: Taking the Right to Contraception Act to our Lawmakers
National Council of Jewish Women’s (NCJW) Government Relations and Advocacy (GR&A) summer interns, Maddie Glassman and Sydney Hastings-Wilkins, kicked off the month of August with Intern Lobby Day! Our interns hold an Intern Lobby Day each college semester – and each summer – to lobby our lawmakers on a priority bill for NCJW. This summer’s priority bill was the Right to Contraception Act, a bicameral piece of legislation that would codify the right to contraception and prevent restrictions being put in place by any government. Our interns made their way to the House and Senate offices accompanied by our Chief Policy Officer, Jody Rabhan, to share with our legislators the importance of this bill and why NCJW is proud to stand behind it.
Here’s a peek into our young lobbyists trip!

Our interns expressed deep gratitude to have had the opportunity to meet with the offices of our lawmakers and advocate for legislation that is so important to both of them as well as the work of NCJW. Meet with lawmakers face-to-face the power of constituents and NCJW is hopeful that our visits will spur action from our legislators, as personal experiences guided by our Jewish values are shared as reasons to support the Right to Contraception Act.
Want to join us? Take action by urging your lawmakers to support the Right to Contraception Act here!
*For DC residents, we continue working towards full voting representation in the US Congress.*
Click here to tell Congress to grant statehood to DC!